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Week Whatever: cucumbers and pretzels

July 20, 2010

Surprise surprise, I’m terrible at tending to my blog. I hope my 3 readers accept my sincerest apologies.

I’ve been trucking along with ye olde CSA for a few weeks. I am really good about eating the fruits right away (we have had some delicious blueberries and cherries), and not so good about using up all of the greens. We had kale this week and I was so excited to make more sausage & kale pasta (see below)… and then I went to the Olive Garden instead. And IKEA. There is no time for cooking kale when trips to IKEA are on the schedule! So I’ve been eating a lot of pretzels out of a bucket that I found at CVS. I think my boyfriend and I ate two buckets last week. CVS is wonderful.

Other than that, I’ve been munching on cucumbers and carrots and whatever the farm sends my way. Honestly, my cooking in the past few weeks has been pretty much… nonexistent. I made some delicious blueberry pancakes a couple of weekends ago, but I think that’s been it.

I’m moving in a month and I’ve decided that I need to eat everything in my pantry to avoid moving extra things (like a bag of beans is so cumbersome). So I’m probably going to be eating a lot of lentils in the weeks to come. I have a lot of lentils stocked up. I can’t even say why I have all of these lentils. I’m not obsessed with lentils. Lentils lentils lentils. Hopefully I’ll get some veggies to throw in with them. Or I’ll just buy them.

Challenge status: begrudgingly plodding along, but I still mostly eat gummi bears for lunch. It’s hard to break habits, people.

Olive Garden status: leftovers from the Garden smell like steaming garbage. Why is this?

IKEA status: I bought 3 glass vases and desperately want a white Expedit for my new apartment.

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